Public Sculpture

Folding – Unfolding


expected realization 2024

two artistically designed bathing jetties
for Ekerö beach walk, Ekerö, SE
public commission for the Ekerö municipality
in collaboration with Andreas Piontkowitz

client: Ekerö kommun
project manager: Ann Magnusson, AM Public
architect: Markus Aerni, HAPPYSPACE
builder: Ekerö Rederi AB




The main focus of the art commission were the two piers. They were to be functional and usable and at the same time independent works of art that serve as clear markers for the area.

An unfolded, two-dimensional floor plan of a simple small house (floor, roof and four walls) forms the basis of the design. Both piers consist of exactly the same surface – but exist in two different states. While one bridge remains more or less in its flat, expanded state, certain parts of the other are folded up, creating spatial functions such as shelter, seating and a protective roof.

The principle of folding flat „packages“ into spatial volumes can be recognized from, for example, moving boxes. Here the transformation is used in a playful and unorthodox way to create unique bathing piers, which are both functional and give the promenade a strong artistic identity.

© Axel Lieber 2024