Public Sculpture

Rymden och Rytmen

(Space and Rhythm)


public commission for CAST, Karolinska Huddinge, Stockholm, SE

client: Region Stockholm
project manager: Finbar Krook Rosato



The hygienic requirements of the B87 CAST ward are strict, only certain materials could be used, basically the same materials already used in the hospital: glass, porcelain, stainless steel.

My idea was to create sculptures that, despite the high demands on materials, would have a completely different aura and character from the hospital world. The sculptures would both add a poetic feeling and transfer the sterile materials to another context, a world beyond the hospital – the home.

The Rymden sculpture group consists of a cast frame derived from a branch of a spruce tree to which various objects such as plates, glass, porcelain, metal and ceramic knobs are attached. The art works appear as a weightless object out in space, or as a small firework developing from a center.

The sculpture group Rhythm consists of a loop of silver wire that brings together porcelain lids and various glass and ceramic knobs in a kind of circular sculpture. The sculpture has a distinctly „hand-shaped“ expression where the thread acts as a line connecting the different objects Thoughts can be brought to sound and music, to small speakers or notes on a score.

Glass, porcelain, metal appear in the sculptures in the form of knobs, lids and plates, objects and items that have a tactile quality and are associated with both an everyday action and memories of home.

© Axel Lieber 2024